
Testing of a Device.

Vlog 20160128

Innokin Cortex

MUTANK Sub Ohm Tank

Shed Fever - Final Edition!

Shed Fever - Day 5 - Temp Control Rant!

Innokin T18 and T22

Shed Fever - Day 4!

Shed Fever - Day 3!

CroAtty by Crovape

Arctic Dolphin ADT 210TC

Shed Fever - Day 2!

Shed Fever!!

Endless Mod Set including RDA

Q&A time!

It's Me!!!

Origen Tiny 16 BF RDA

Aeronaut RDA

Pistolete SS SX350J Mod

EVL Reaper RTA

vlog 20160107

German Petition - Plea for International Support

The Quick look Review Shop!!!