The Marquis RDA


  1. That's incredible. They borrowed a lot from other drippers but a lot of thought went into this as well. The coil rods and options for using them are greatly impressive.

  2. Heya! (sonic screwdriver drip tip guy here) Still loving that you're saying Cylon slots! I know you love your Veritas, have you tried a chimney build in it? I posted a video about it on Kickinstl (youtube), but it's a long video with my brother and I muckin' about, so it's probably not worth a look unless you're REALLY bored, BUT a chimney build on it is phenomenal. Can't wait to try the marquis when I can get my hands on it. How would you compare it to the Veritas on flavor? Still loving your videos as my #1 favorite channel, and hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Something I have not tried yet, may give it a look later on if I'm really REALLY bored :D


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