The First Ursimian Fog Dispensing Apparatus!

Available from

Perfection Vapes, Steam Monkey, Coval Vapor, Delaware Vapor, Vapor DNA and Vaper’s Knoll


  1. I'm sorry, Todd. I don't know if I could handle a such a simple device that works so well. Life is complicated and I seem to like it that way. Also, the price is too reasonable.

    It's just not for me.

    1. What if they said it was crafted by hand under a full moon by pixies and you are granted eternal youth if you vape with it??

      Interested then :D

  2. Mark, does it fire if you hold it upside-down?
    you know, when you throw it in a backpack and such.


    1. You'll need to wait a bit, the "throwing it upside down in a backpack" testing department are shut just now LOL

    2. that's quite a specialized department, no wonder they're not always available.

  3. How are the threads? I wonder how sturdy are the magnets. I bought a Nemmy that came with two magnets for the switch and one broke before I had used it a couple hours.

    They could have named the mod, KISS. 'Keep It Simple Stupid'. :) It reminds me of my taste in cars. I used to be into restoring old sports cars. Now all I want is a comfortable car that gets me from point A to B without any problems.

    Doesn't hurt that it's made by Steam Monkey. I have an Ursimian dripping atty and a their drip tip. Though both drip tips are permanently stuck in two protanks they're all my favorites. :P


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