UPDATE - The Manhattan and Venting

Sharing this video by Chuff testing the Manhattan as I feel it shows exactly what the makers should have explained at the start.
I would like to remind you that the whole 35psi venting is not mentioned anywhere when I did the review, it was only after my review that we found out how it was supposed to vent!!
I asked the maker twice after my review to give me detailed info so I could pass it on but both times was threatened with legal action!
Thanks to Chuff for doing this video.


  1. If you notice in this video he had the screw set so that when he blew into it, he could feel some air coming out. That means he had the screw only partially screwed down. I am grateful that he did include that information, because it tells us that he is only confirming exactly what Todd said, and isn't contradicting Todd at all - even though he thinks he is.

    Todd said that when the screw is partially unscrewed he could feel some air.

    Credit to JoPatterson from FT Forum

  2. Readers, please be informed that this test is invalid. It does not account for the fact that batteries vent at the top, and will expand due to internal pressure, creating a seal between the cell and tube wall, well before the cell vents gas. In such a case the gas will be trapped in the top of the device and no venting will take place. Please also be informed that this is the case with the majority of devices on the market. The Manhattan is no less safe than any other device in respect to venting, however I cannot say the same for another poor design feature.

    Todd is correct in his thinking that it will not vent properly, however he was wrong in assuming that other devices will somehow vent better.

    I apologize for being such a troll on the matter, however we must be 100% accurate in our portrayal of how these devices operate. Not doing so is irresponsible.

  3. if the battery vents from the 'top' (the positive terminal), maybe we should all be using our batteries upside down in our mechs. i have to do this with my MNKE batteries in my Stingray clone, as the bottom contact is too fat to fit past the wrapper on the negative end of the battery. just throwing that out there :) also, since the venting on the switch is outside of where the pin is, i don't think this guy maybe having the center screw slightly unscrewed matters at all. just my 2 cents.

  4. The only true way to test the venting of any mod is to hard-short the battery in the mod and let it do its thing.

  5. Todd, thanks for sharing this. I want to say again that I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for you. Love your videos.

    Also, just as a side note I had the contact screwed all the way down to the button and snugged up with pliers. It was not backed out at all. It was tight exactly like I have it when I vape it. Probably should have explicitly mentioned that in the video.

  6. Nice video and he seems like a nice guy, good to see vapers testing there own gear under issues found with mods.
    Amerivape themselves have caused an issue by being so aggressive to a simple question aimed at giving information to their own consumers.
    Your an icon to vapists all over the globe who im sure the majority will support you Tood, I just think it's ridiculous you received the reply you did in the first place.

  7. Sorry for calling you Tood, my typing skills aren't the best

  8. An articulate and superbly presented video. I also agree that the battery is the thing we should beware of. Since beginning to sub-ohm, I only use purple high drain Efest 35a batteries. No more reclaimed laptop cells apart from in VV/VW stuff.

  9. The Atomo is one of the few that got the whole venting design right but was held against the mod for not looking very good. I think we sometimes kid ourselves that we want to be safe first and look good vaping second lol. That is not the first time Ive heard that all these vents on the bottom of tube mods are useless , even if there was extra room between the battery and mod walls for the gas to come back around it would be mute because of the expansion of battery during a vent. This has everything to do with how Ameravape handled the whole situation and for that reason alone is enough for me to stay way away from this mod and their company. If you look up classless you will find a picture of Ameravape and the Manhattan mod.

  10. Oh look, a Manhattan Mod vendor, Hi there :D

  11. I'm NOT a Manhattan Mod vendor (I'm just a consumer, I'm not even interested in mechs, especially "Competition Level" ones... Lol... so I have no horse in this race) and I think you were wrong to call it a pipe bomb before getting the full story.

    Even before AV responded to your message you had damaged their sales by saying that (unfoundedly as this video supports). I don't think they should've responded the way they did but I don't think you're completely not at fault here.

  12. Well fair enough, the thing is presumably safe. This could have been sorted far earlier had the vendor actually just explained away Todd's concerns in the first place.

    He wanted more info whilst reviewing the device, got no satisfactory response so basically gave his take on it. At the end of the day, he's got his viewers safety firmly in mind with this one. As it turns out, the device appears to be ok (great video by the way!)

    I'd rather exercise caution with Mods, and Todd has pointed out a potential (major) flaw. That's been put to bed, all is well.

    Threatening Legal action rather than simply explaining the product when asked is the bulk of the issue here. You can't review something with half the facts missing, and be threatened with Legal action if you happen to point something out (a little something that is easily explained away).


    All said and done, I do like the look of the Mod but the company has let itself down big style. Keep at it Todd, I appreciate what you do for the vaping community :)

  13. Todd, we need to see you make your own tests! First, do exactly the same test as the guy on the video, but with the button fastened. Then do it again with an battery in it. As the grand final... Make it vent with an Sony VTC5 in it and a typical competition build on it!

  14. I find it specious that any dissenting comment on Ameravape's Facebook page is removed, which is consistent with their litigate first, ask questions later approach to criticism.
    The argument at hand now seems moot. On the plus side, I've learned an awful lot about venting in the past day or so. On the negative side, every arm-chair engineer has thrown their lot in the ring, and added to the mayhem.
    I have watched Todd's reviews for quite a while...I enjoy his insight,and, while I will consider his or another reviewer's opinion, I don't base my purchases exclusively on that.
    At the end of the day, I think the "I'm an engineer and you're not" attitude, coupled with threats of legal action, is what sours my opinion of this company. I'm fairly certain if they had handled things better on their end, none of this would have happened. They are also holding the above test video up as vindication, ignoring the fact that it is in no way a definitive "victory" on their part. Rather than engage in rational dialogue, they have drawn a very specific and questionable line in the sand, as I don't believe anything was done with malicious intent on Todd's part. Until vaping falls under the jurisdiction of our respective governments (ugh!), we are responsible for monitoring ourselves. Like it or not, if one of these devices blows up, it will only serve to undermine a product that is already under intense scrutiny.
    I would rather that someone erred on the side of caution, and let a lawyer free dialogue happen.
    Sláinte, Todd! Keep doing what you do...!

  15. Todd, please settle this debate and make a video of shorting the manhattan mod and observing what happens (with safety procedures and outside of course lol!). Would be hilarious to destroy the manhattan mod after all this either way hehehe!

  16. Todd, no, please do not short a cell in the Manahattan mod as suggested. Certainly this is the only way to show what will happen in the event of a cell failure, however, it will only serve to shed more scrutiny on this particular device. We know, based on firm, valid engineering principles, and not at all based on opinion, that this problem exists in practically all mechanical devices on the market.

    At this point, it would be best for you to post another video explaining that you assumption that this device is somehow less safe than others is inaccurate, and unsubstantiated. However, the battle between you and Ameravape due to their severe lack of class in their response to you, is an entirely different matter. You should however be the stand up guy you seem to be and at least clear up your misunderstanding of the device itself.

  17. Todd u don't have to substantiate no shit anymore than what u have already done in the comments. Please spend your precious time on other mods and give us more reviews instead :)

  18. Kris Robertson7 June 2014 at 10:03

    I don't know about anyone here, but that test is no good at all. Throw a couple of hundred degrees F of hot gas at about 20 PSI and tell me how your hand is doing when that gas hits it.

    Also, the vendor said it would vent at 35 PSI, their own words. If you want to try to unscrews that bottom cap with that much pressure with hot gas behind it, more power to ya. You are going to have a hot projectile on its way into your living room or onto someone nearby.

  19. Kris Robertson7 June 2014 at 11:35

    They blocked me from following their facebook pages and from posting comments. I just said basically what I said above and banned me for it. Great company indeed... not.

  20. Just want to say that I personally found the video to be very informative. Must also say that I agree with the way in which Todd at the time handled this.

  21. If you don't want to get criticized then dont send out your mods to reviewers. Bringing up lawsuits definitely show how immature you are in handling criticism. If I were Todd, I would just send their mod back and delete the video review. Todd is nice enough to spend his time and effort in reviewing the mod. If Amaravape just wanted to hear nice things about their mods then they should've sent their products to be reviewed by their mommies and daddies. People often forget that most youtube reviewers hv no personal gain in doing their reviews whereas the company whose product being reviewed gets all the publicity they want for the price of one of their product. So if you cant handle a negative feedback, stop sending out your mods to be reviewed.

  22. Last night I posted a comment on their facebook page explaining about batteries venting from top etc etc and that probably most mech mods couldn't contain a battery going bad in a big way. And suggesting that if they built something that is safer than everything else, to basically prove it. Got a couple of likes within first hour. But guess what, this morning discovered the whole thread has been removed from their site, nothing left. So for anyone visiting their facebook page, the whole incident never took place.


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