Stillare Dripper V2 RDA By Cartel Mods


  1. Hiya Todd.
    My birthday is coming up and the wife is letting me pick up a new RDA.
    Now I've been looking at the Origen and the Stillare quit a while now but cant make up my mind.
    You did reviews for both of them now. What's your opinion wich one do you think better?
    Thanks Todd great reviews and keep up the good work


  2. Hi Francisco, all the info is in the reviews, at the end of the day the decision is up to you ;)

    You will not be sorry with which ever one you go for.

  3. Hey Todd, in your opinion which RDA gives the best flavor?

  4. Smaller chamber the better IMO, the cyclone is amazing.

  5. "...all the info is in the reviews, at the end of the day the decision is up to you ;)"

    haha! You won't get in trouble that way, Todd! LOL. Thanks for doing your reviews -- they really help!

  6. Buongiorno.... Bellissimo Prodetto Drippers....! specialmente diverso da altri Drippers perchè questo ha i 3 poli torre placcati in "ORO"... Complimenti... By Bye Marcello, Italy (=^_^=)

  7. i recently bought and built the stillare and as much as i like the design i have been having this weird taste issue. its almost a metal like taste that has been coming out of this thing. its kinda put me off using it but i wanted to know i there was anyone else that has had this problem

  8. Did you wash it before you started using it?

    Luke warm water and a sterilising tablet will sort it, probably machine oil.

    It's either that or your coil.


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