Tutorial - Unoxidised Mesh in a Genesis

All credit for this goes to a video I was sent by a fellow vaper, video was by a guy called dave6361, it was just a short video but thought I would expand on it.

Title is a bit misleading really as you are still having to oxidise but damn this is so easy to do.Make sure the wick is not touching the bottom of the tank and do tiny short bursts to start off with or you will pop the coil!


  1. Dare you to try it with a Vivi Nova. Go on, you know you want to :-)

  2. Just seems wrong and should not work, but hey glad you tried it first. Sure takes some neck (or other parts), might give it a go as I hope to be getting my first genni next week. Aga-T or Aga-W which would you say to go for or is the only diff really the center post and the looks?

    1. really like the W been vaping with it all yesterday and today, amazing value for money IMO

      No issue recommending it mate but then again, you could wait a couple of weeks for the next revision LOL

      If the W had the same tank setup as the T, it would be perfect

    2. Hell, if I waited for every "new and improved" I would still be on the cigs lol

  3. Hi Mark,
    I have 3 AGA-T2's and one has been a serious pain in my posterior. Just revisited this vid and am now vaping my spearmint without burnt metal. Thank you and those who brought it to your attention.


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